Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maple Grove Garden

We continues to harvest broccoli, cucumbers, yellow squash and a few beans from this garden. The plants are healthy and we have very few weeks. One issue we've had with the beans is the rabbits. They are slipping through the fence and munching on the lower beans. We still have quite a few blooms and hope to harvest more beans next week. We've struggle to harvest a small mess of beans (enough for a person or two for a meal?). Lots of green tomatoes on  the tomato plants. We  have several varieties - Porterhouse (which I am anxiously awaiting - suppose to be large slicing tomatoes), Brandywine and a couple of cherry varieties. Cucumber are still producing well. I'm hoping soon we will have cucumbers and tomatoes together to donate to the food pantry at the CRC (Clintonville Resource Center).

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