Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday - Food Pantry Delivery

Dropped off the harvest from several different gardens at the food pantry over at Christian Assembly. When I sit back and reflect on gardening this is really what it's about. Our original vision ("sermon moment") was to grow corn on the church lawn and then give the produce to the food pantry. So many lessons have been learned including: 1) not putting just washed strawberries into sealed ziplock bags (mold) 2) most people think red lettuce is weird 3) volunteer tomatoes never produce the same as tomatoes grown from a seed 4) keeping things simple applies to gardening as well (grow the basics - tomatoes, cucumbers and beans - not some of every variety of 20 different veggies) 5) you don't need a thousand ziplock bags - you can use recycled plastic grocery bags, plastic containers and bread trays.

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